PPAM 2018 Summer Social

  • 29 Jul 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • The Tiny Bungalow


Registration is closed

The PPAM 2018 Summer Social 

When:  Sunday July 29th, 2018 
Time: 12:00 p.m. until 5:00  p.m.

Where: The Tiny Bungalow in Hingham MA
24 Grove Avenue, Hingham MA  02043

POT Luck ...Please bring something yummy to share and please bring a chair.

Sign up to bring goodies here:

Let's step out of the classroom and enjoy the great weather together during our
annual PPAM Summer Social. This year, the merriment and camaraderie will take place
at The Tiny Bungalow in Hingham, MA (see address below).

Here's what you can expect...

Most of the year, The Tiny Bungalow is home to PPAM member Jeff Cutler, his wife and two cats. But for July 29, PPAM will host its Summer Social at The Tiny Bungalow in scenic Hingham, MA, south of Boston. It's a former beach bungalow three minutes (walking) from Hingham Harbor.

On hand will be tables, a hammock, a grill and other assorted amenities.
Be sure to bring your favorite summer cookout dish; a chair and/or blanket on which to relax;
your camera (Jeff can direct you to the Hingham Bathing Beach, World's End Reservation
and other local areas perfect for capturing artistic images); and a smile.

Please check the PPAM site for the sign-up genius if you'd like to bring snacks, food,
beverages, ice or other social accoutrements. The Summer Social is a great opportunity to find out what your colleagues are up to and share your latest photo and life experiences.


Address is 24 Grove Avenue, Hingham, MA 02043
Jeff's cell phone is 781-740-4045

There are two cats on the premises. One is friendly, one is not.
Please do not try to figure out which is which...it could end badly.

As the Bungalow has been recently renovated, there is a functioning toilet on site; a hose for rinsing off sand and/or salt if you venture to the water; and abundant wifi - pw is 'thecatwillbiteyou'

We're looking forward to seeing everyone at this event. Please RSVP

Let us know what you're bringing to share here:




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